Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Shutting Up & Driving

A few days ago, my dear friend/cousin/niece/blogbuddy Amanda (whose blog you should follow - see link at the bottom of this post) wrote a post called "Shut Up & Drive".  While I was reading her post, I really understood her message and it hit home to me.  Basically she says we waste so much energy talking or complaining about certain things that if we just focus that energy into doing something about it, we would accomplish a lot more.

Over the last few weeks since I've started decorating again, I've been contemplating opening my own little cake studio.  I've joked about it and I've hinted to my family that it is something I'd like to pursue someday.  Nothing big or fancy, just a small home bakery for friends or friends of friends who have seen and tasted my cakes and ask if I take orders.  Well, why not?  Imagine baking and decorating every week and making a little money on the side?  It'll give me a chance to hone my skills on a regular basis...and hopefully prevent my husband from developing diabetes as he does end up eating most of what I make ;)

So I did a little research and all I need is a health inspection at my home and a few forms to fill out for me to get licensed.  The only major equipment I need is a separate refrigerator/freezer dedicated solely for the cakes I make.  The best part is that I can start right away as long as my application is turned in within 30 days of my first sale.  Sounds easy enough.  First things first though, I need a name.  If anyone has any suggestions (yes that's you 3 people currently following my blog), I'm all ears!

At the end of Amanda's post, she had a note there that said "This post is dedicated to one of my "girls" who needs to be reminded to just shut up and drive"  Whether or not this post was aimed at me (I'll continue to believe it was) -  THANK YOU, Amanda!

This is me driving!

** Check out To Live Lovely @ **

1 comment:

  1. Wahooooo!!!!!!!! Just Shut up and Drive!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! KEEP IT UP because I know you will be GREAT at what you do AND it will make you happy. AND I'm so happy that SOMEONE found inspiration from my little blog and my love for quotes and words. and yes, it was written for you ;) Especially, if you're doing something about it.
